Air and Space Museum Field Trip

Our engineering academy had a full house going to the Air and Space Museum out in Viriginia. Our tour guides were so impressed with student prior knowledge and engagement!

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First Level Engineering Projects

Mr. Meyer’s first-level engineering course, Introduction to Engineering Design, students are working on a reverse engineering project where they break apart wind-up toys and document the job function of each component using engineering terminology.

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Biomed and Engineering Certifications

Biomed: First/CPR Certifications: Biomed juniors and seniors, as you know First Aid/CPR/AED Certifications are a requirement to graduate from this academy. If you did not complete the certifcation last school year, you should have been send a link this past Thursday from the Red Cross to access the online modules which must be completed by the…

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Howard University Immersive Engineering Day

Howard University has extended an invitation to the NSBE Chapter at Jackson Reed High School for an immersive day on February 23. This is a fantastic opportunity for our budding engineers to explore the diverse world of engineering programs. Exposure to different kinds of engineering can spark curiosity, broaden horizons, and help students discover their…

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Engineering Expo Extravaganza

Thank you so much to all of our families, biomed and IT volunteers who came out Wednesday to support and encourage our Engineering Academy! So many cool projects on display! Also a huge to shout out Mr. Meyers, Dr. Sharma and Mr. Ghosh, our committed engineering teachers who prepped students for the evening.

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Joint Andrews Air Force Base

Our engineering students had an extremely interactive fieldtrip on Joint Andrews Airforce base. They got to operate heavy machinery, take turns trying to wrangle active fire hoses, and learn all about aerospace physiology.

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Robotics First Tech Challenge Tournament

Our robotics team hosted a regional robotics tournament on December 16th. We had over 200 students from across the region come and compete at our school. Major shout-out to our Robotics team, STEM academy students, and Hospitality students who spent their Friday night and all day Saturday volunteering. We received glowing feedback from the First…

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National Society of Black Engineers (December Meeting)

We had a full classroom of students this past week for our monthly NSBE session. Students identified different student leadership roles they want to create within the chapter and brainstormed ideas of different initiatives for the second semester. For students who want to join this organization, it is not too late! Please reach out to…

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